Volunteer Spotlights
Volunteer Spotlight: The Lara Family

This month, we are SO proud to feature this interview with the incredible Lara family from Montgomery County, MD. Karina and her husband Mario are parents to Mario and Rukmani, and this amazing family have been some of our strongest supporters since the beginning! We are so deeply grateful for all of their help and enthusiasm, from volunteering with us on Saturdays with kit assembly, to purchasing items from our Amazon Charity List! Read more about their work below. Kits to Heart: What made you interested in volunteering for Kits to Heart?Karina Willis-Lara: A few years ago, when we discovered Kits to Heart on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center website, we immediately had...
Volunteer Spotlight: Lindsey Lim

Kits to Heart is a certifying organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA), which means depending on your age range and the number of hours you complete for us within 12 months, you may be eligible to receive the award! This award package includes a letter from the president, as well as an option to receive a special medallion, coin, or a pin. Featured below is one of our earliest recipients of this prestigious award, Lindsey Lim. Read about why she volunteers for Kits to Heart. Kits to Heart: You recently earned the Gold President’s Volunteer Service Award for completing more than...
Volunteer Spotlight: Hallie Wells Middle School

Volunteer Spotlight: Poolesville High School
To kick off 2022, please check out this interview with Kits to Heart club leader Sara Stanley, of Poolesville High School in Poolesville, MD! What is the most rewarding part of being a leader for your Kits to Heart chapter?Sara Stanley: As a Kits to Heart chapter leader, it’s been amazing to see how something as simple as a club chapter can bring students together to support a good cause and give back to the community.KTH: What makes Kits to Heart stand out among the other groups at your school?SS: Kits to Heart stands out among the other groups at Poolesville High School because our purpose is...
Volunteer Spotlight: Richard Montgomery High School