Kits to Heart is a certifying organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA), which means depending on your age range and the number of hours you complete for us within 12 months, you may be eligible to receive the award! This award package includes a letter from the president, as well as an option to receive a special medallion, coin, or a pin.
Featured below is one of our earliest recipients of this prestigious award, Lindsey Lim. Read about why she volunteers for Kits to Heart.

Kits to Heart: You recently earned the Gold President’s Volunteer Service Award for completing more than 280 service hours for our cause. How did it feel to receive this honor?
Lindsey Lim: It was a really special moment and a great honor to receive the Gold President’s Volunteer Service Award. I started with simple things, like making origami, then moved on to making various items for the care kits and assisting in assembling the care kits. I didn’t notice the time I spent as I enjoyed making those items, thinking about the help and support we may be able to provide to cancer patients. I feel very grateful to Kits to Heart, which gives me a passion to serve the community and contribute to its cause. I look forward to continuing serving for this cause with Kits to Heart.
KTH: What makes Kits to Heart stand out among the other groups at your school?
LL: Kits to Heart focuses on providing cancer patients encouragement and joy through curated care kits. In the kits, we provide items cancer patients find useful, like water bottles, and blankets, as well as comfort they may need through cards and more. Kits to Heart also stands out because it gives students the opportunity to participate in creating the care kits by spending time to make and assemble items for the kits.
KTH: What’s a common characteristic that you see among your fellow volunteers?
LL: A common characteristic is that they are all eager to volunteer and dedicated to this cause of supporting cancer patients. All of the volunteers have a passion to help others and bring people joy.
KTH: What’s the most special part about bringing smiles and solidarity to cancer patients?
LL: The most special part is being able to take action to make a difference in someone’s life by dedicating our time and effort. Being able to provide care and joy to a cancer patient makes this experience more meaningful and memorable.
Thanks so much for all your support and hard work, Lindsey!!
👉 Learn more about how you may earn the PSVA.