Handwritten Inspiring Letters for Cancer Patients

10 letters may receive 1 service hour
1 special/pop-up card may receive 1 hour (see tutorials below)

Flower pop-up card

A thoughtful activity to show a stranger that you are rooting for them with long and thoughtful letters! Please refer to the samples provided below for what we mean and our suggested guidelines here.


  • Handwritten positive, inspiring letters, starting with "Dear friend," "Hi there," "Hi friend," etc.
  • Long letters (NOT just a phrase or two) that include “on behalf of Sonia and Kits to Heart”
  • Letters using the language in the samples below. You may repeat letters/artwork.
  • Use of cardstock paper and greeting card-sized paper. Store-bought cards with your own letters and artwork inside are welcome, though please be sure to write letters, not only a quote or two!
  • Envelopes are NOT required. We do not need blank envelopes when you submit your cards, but if you’d like to donate larger envelopes, please shop directly via our Amazon Wish List!

We Do Not Accept

NOTE: We genuinely appreciate the hard work of all of our volunteers, but due to various sensitivities of our wide range of recipients, we need to prioritize appropriate, non-offensive, and thoughtful letters to patients. This means that we cannot accept:

  • Spiritual or religious references, as we do not know the preferences of the recipients.
  • Letters encouraging "quick recovery" or "get well soon," due to the nature of some cancers.
  • Letters with calendar dates or references to specific holidays; exceptions only made upon request.
  • Letters written in pencil or bright highlighters (difficult to read).
  • Writing that someone you know passed away from cancer—stay optimistic!
  • Letters on notebook/lined paper, printer paper, construction paper, or index cards.
  • Cards with just a phrase or two (this is more of a guideline for those expecting service hours). Please use samples provided below to see the longer letters expected.
  • Ongoing correspondence to only one patient (this is currently not a pen pal service—just a one-time gift).
  • Photocopies or printed letters.

Each (1) letter made with the following styles may receive 1 service hour!

Collage Tutorials

Special Tutorials

Cartoon pop-up card

Suggested Materials

Kits to Heart earns from qualifying Amazon purchases, which supports our mission at no extra cost to you.

Samples (zoom in to view in detail; view more samples here—log out of your school/work account if having access issues!)

 Kits to Heart Card Sample Kits to Heart Card Sample
Kits to Heart Card Sample Kits to Heart Card Sample
Kits to Heart Card Sample Kits to Heart Card Sample
Kits to Heart Sample Letter Kits to Heart Card Sample from CAPA-HC Volunteers
Kits to Heart Letter Sample Kits to Heart Letter Sample
Kits to Heart Letter Sample Kits to Heart Letter Sample

How to Submit

Please follow these steps to ensure your work is received!