Every month, Kits to Heart features a patient story to help amplify the voices of those affected by cancer. This month, we are proud to feature Felicia, a breast cancer survivor who has been a returning participant of our Art for Cancer Wellness Program. The stories submitted are edited for format only, to keep the integrity and voice of each patient. We've love to hear from you, too! Submit your story for a chance to be featured in an upcoming spotlight.

My name is Felicia L Jennings and I had a diagnosis of right breast cancer in August of 2016 and I opted to have a double mastectomy in September 2016.
I also had to have a hysterectomy on December of 2016 because of the cancer being estrogen and progesterone dependent cancer. I started on oral hormonal chemotherapy medicines in 2017.
I am currently on long term oral hormonal chemotherapy medicines and have developed osteoporosis and bilateral lower extremity lymphedema.
The Kits to Heart ❤️ is a beautiful program and the 🎨 art therapy program is phenomenal and has helped so many people; myself included. What really has been a God send to me are the pillows that I received in the Kits to Heart ❤️; they are the perfect fit to put behind my back as I have back pain and I just turned my heart pillow upside down behind my back and it relieves my back pain because I have a condition known as sway back and when I sit down there is a curve in my lower back but those heart ❤️ 💙 💜 pillows relieves my aches and pain in my back. I salute Sonia and all of the dedicated volunteers that make it possible for the Kits to Heart to touch lives and impart joy in people's lives.